Price Calculator

Calculate Price on your own
We use international standards to calculate costs. We calculate the weight of the package and the dimensional weight. Which ever cost is greater is the cost of the shipment.
Dimensional weight calculator on package not product For calculating the estimated shipping cost, please enter all available values.
Weight(lb) Length(in) Width(in) Height(in) Cost/Item(in USD)
How much will my standard shipment cost? We have a calculator to help.
  • Freight Charge: $1.85/per pound ($35 minimum) | Delivery Price $15
  • Delivery is $35.00 if the freight charge is less than $50
  • Delivery is free if the freight charge exceeds $50
  • Pick up from Nassau Office: All pick ups $1.20 per mile round trip. $35.00 minimum.
  • For distance use and multiply by 2.
Dimensional weight calculator on package not product For calculating the estimated shipping cost, please enter all available values.
Weight(Pounds) Length(in) Width(in) Height(in) Cost/Item(in USD)
How much will my express shipment cost? We have a calculator to help.
  • Weight of package: $3.00/pound ($50 minimum) | Delivery price: $75 minimum
  • Pick up from Nassau Office: $50 minimum
Accepted payment methods for our purchasing service:
  • We accept cash payments at our Nassau depot up to $300
  • We accept money orders | Sorry, no cheques are accepted
  • We accept Visa cards in person and over the phone
  • Direct Transfer : Royal Bank of Canada:
    Nine to Five Import Old Fort Branch: 057051054295
NOTE: Any items are considered hazardous material (HAZMAT) by FAA there is a documentation fee $25.00. There is also a (SED) cost of $25.00 associated with items valuing over $2,500.00
Disclaimer: These calculations are only guides and do not necessary reflect the accurate price. Please note that packaging is included in physical weight and dimensional weight, not just the product. We recommend adequate packaging for fragile goods
What other charges can I expect? We have a calculator to help.
  • Brokerage goods valued over $100: 5% of order $20.00 maximum + Customs processing fee: 1% or $10.00 minimum
  • Duty and Excise Tax Charges: varies on duty amount
  • Insurance coverage: 1.5% for shipments over $100 | TV Insurance: 5%
  • Levy
    (Bahamas Customs controlled)
  • VAT 10% (applied to the value of the goods and all charges)
  • Proof of export $5.00 (if requested by customer or vendor)